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Grey Limbo

Backup Cloud

Protect your business from loss of critical data

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Easy Backup

The Acronis Client agent backs up selected files, folders or drives in the background to its own cloud  at specific intervals as defined.  Files backed up in incremental basis with each backup having unique identity.

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Disaster Recovery

Easy to use management console for centralised backup status, history and alerts help in recovering backed up data quickly and get back to business without any loss of time.

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Ransomware Protection

Protection from Ramsomware attacks by blocking & reversing suspicious changes to data files.

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Data Security

Proven solution with hosting in Acronis's own servers inside India, leading to greater compliance with Govt laws. 

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Strong Encryption

Improve the security of your data with at-source AES-256

encryption of your backups, protected by encrypted passwords.

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5 GB of Storage for one year 

upto 5 client systems


GST 18% Extra

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10 GB of Storage for one year 

upto 10 client systems


GST 18% Extra

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25 GB of Storage for one year 

upto 20 client systems


GST 18% Extra

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